Prices and conditions |
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The following section gives you the prices as well as shipment and payment conditions associated with the item. Payment is always requested in GBP. Converted price is shown for information and converted with Sphere standard currency rate.
Shipment and Payment links gives you access to an extended description of our rating :
Start price |
91 EUR |
Converted price (1) |
75.88 GBP |
Shipment |
International or local shipment to pay |
Packing costs |
0 GBP |
Payment |
Full pre payment needed |
Auction bid step |
5 GBP |
Auction highest bid |
81.545 GBP |
Converted highest bid |
81.545 GBP |
Leader or winner |
cast01 |
(1) Currency conversion |
Note that conversion rates were last adjusted on 10th October 2024 at 10:56 CET. They are there to give you a rough guide to the bid price in your currency. Please check for a more up-to-date conversion at https://www.x-rates.com/calculator.html. The bid price will be the actual price in pounds (GBP) at the moment the auction closes. This will be roughly converted to your currency for your information.
For technical reasons, we are unable to update the conversion from GBP to Euro during the auction, although it may change at any time. If you are in the euro zone please check the current rate at https://www.x-rates.com/calculator.html
Payments must always be in GBP. For more info please see the FAQ about exchange rates.https://spheremusic.com/Winfaq.asp?Question=91. |