Session or security error 
A problem has been detected by our site. This can be because :
- Most Likely : The site has timed out for security reasons after a period of inactivity. Please leave and re-enter the site, and then log-in again. [Click Home:Auctions, then click Login]
- Your browser is not configured to accept cookies. The Microsoft ASP technology we use requires the presence of a temporary cookie to handle session variables. Please re-configure your browser.
- You have created in your favorites list, or typed in your URL a page of our site which is not the home page or a direct access page. For technical and security reasons, these pages must be displayed before navigating within our site.
- The session you have entered has expired because half an hour has passed without any action being detected. In this case you need to reload or refresh the home page of the site.
- You have tried to access a page reserved to users who have buying and/or selling rights and these rights have not yet been granted to your user name, or have been revoked.
- You have tried to access the auction bid page before the official auction open date or after the auction is closed.
- You have tried to access an administration page reserved to our internal users.
Check that your browser allows all cookies or prompts you to accept them when you specify. Re-enter one of our sites by clicking on the home icon on this page or by using the URLs www.spheremusic.com or www.sphere-shop.com or www.sphere-studio.com
By doing this, the site will be able to create a session and establish or restore your last session.
For more information about session and enrolement check the home page or the registration page. If you have still have problems using our site please let us know by by sending us an email giving as much detail as possible.