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This page displays the information available for the Moog-R.A. Moog classic late 60s modular (Sphere item # 11417).
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 Make Moog
 Model R.A. Moog classic late 60s modular
 Description **At last... after a little complication.... here's the video. Even with the technical failings of the video (blame VEMIA, google, vimeo, er.. everyone except Norm) this is really good - thanks Norm Leete!** There is very little chance you will ever find a more beautiful, complete or perfect R A Moog modular. The system includes:- three 901 VCOs, 901A VCO driver, four 901B VCOs, 903 White Sound Source, two 904-A LPFs, 904B HPF, 904C filter coupler, three 902 VCAs, three 911 envelopes, 911A dual trigger delay, 907 10-band fixed filter bank with unique original switching system, and five-octave keyboard with portamento. It comes in two original cabinets, beautifully made. The original keyboard, also beautifully hand-made, is protected by a non-original garage, made to the same or even higher standards than the original cases, with what looks like mahogany edging on rosewood veneer board from the same sort of era as the Moog cabinets. The whole system is in 100% working order, and sounds awesome: there is no better oscillator sound in the world, especially in the lower octaves, the filters defined an era, and the envelopes can go on almost forever. We have had great fun here but have hardly scratched the surface of what can be achieved with this set-up. The basis of the system at auction here was sold on August 3 1967 to Professor Emerson Meyers for the Catholic University electronic music studio that he set up in 1964, and used to create the late 60s LP Provocative Electronics (Electronic Constructions on Traditional Forms). has one track and the LP sleeve. It was the 10th proper system sold by Moog since they started keeping records based on serial numbers at the beginning of 1967. (Before this one, two other systems were built for internal use, and two sales were of just a couple of modules in a cabinet – see > Modular sales) It was then regularly sent back (each summer vacation, we guess) to R.A. Moog for calibrating, adding more modules, and sometimes upgrading modules. There is a publicity photo from the period which shows what looks like this exact synth with add-on bits on the knobs – possibly one of the users (Prof Meyers himself?) had arthritis or something similar. Every single module in this machine is an R.A. Moog original, with the exception of the power supply, which was clearly replaced in the early-mid 70s – the Moog factory ticket says June 3 1974. The dates of each module differ, though. Some are built-on perf-board, meaning that they are the earliest of all, and some on standard printed circuit boards. Some of the modules are so early that they have no serial number or date stamp. The keyboard, for instance, is extremely early, using the sort of contacts found on organs (a date stamp inside says 1967). Other very early modules include the noise source (called White Sound Source), two of the VCAs, the 907 fixed filter bank, and the three 901s. The original sale comprised a main cabinet, one 901, one 901A, three 901Bs, a 904A, a 904B, two 902s and two 911s. There seems to have been a major service / upgrade in the summer of 1968 (many of the modules have dates from then). At some stage a second keyboard was added, which is no longer with this system but has some sockets attributed to it on the main cabinet, which could be put to other uses. One really useful element of this machine is that at some stage R.A. Moog added multiples – always a valuable if addition to the original Moog concept. Sockets and controls on the lower panel are all dymo-labelled by R.A. Moog themselves. Our estimated timeline for the instrument, from what we know:- August 3 1967: first bought Summer 1968: first service and upgrade (probably filter switch unit etc) at R.A. Moog. Summer 1969: second service and upgrade (probably extra cabinet & modules) at R.A. Moog. Summer 1974: new power supply installed by Moog Music. Summer 1979: all four 901as upgraded by Rivera Music Services for 5-octave tracking. Early 2010: major renovation including top quality parts: all new Switchcraft sockets, nuts and washers, $35 Allen & Bradley sealed 5K pots where needed, etc. etc. 2011: manufacture of new keyboard garage. October 2013: servicing by nLi including cleaning multi-level switches and edge connectors, calibration and checking, and making & supplying a very full complement of colour-coded patch leads (inc phonoflex for triggers, Musiflex, Switchcraft and Rean) . Supply of external 110V transformer. It’s impossible to do this instrument justice in a few paragraphs and with six photos, so we will publish more photos and a video of nLi demonstrating it in the next few days, and provide the URL for you here. The synth comes with a huge quantity of high-grade patch purpose-made leads, a good quality 230V-110V transformer of more than sufficient power rating (with European adaptor if required), and we hope a pdf of the massive user manual by Dan Wyman. It will also have copies of some literature concerning the synth and its use at Catholic University if the present owner can find what he’s done with it. Packing if needed will be 70GBP, but we would be happier to deliver by hand in Britain and north-western Europe.
 Age n/a
 Weight 55 kg
 Condition Near mint
 Location Uk (Item is at Vemia Uk)
 Vat Not from a VAT-registered business. But VAT / duty may be due if importing from outside your trade bloc.
 Quantity 1 item is available from the owner
 Options User manual : No
  Service manual : No
  First owner : No
  Original boxes : No
 Plug type Usa standard plug
 Voltage type Internal 110V power supply
 Status Item has been sold or not sold in a previous auction
 Sale type The item is on the auction rooms
 Ending on 09/11/2013
 Category Synthesizer (Modular) 
 Serial number Unknown
 Sphere reference # 11417
 Statistics Created on : 29/10/2013 
Changed on : 05/11/2013 
  Published on : 05/11/2013
  Displayed : 7384 time(s) by members and guests  
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The following section gives you the prices as well as shipment and payment conditions associated with the item. Payment is always requested in GBP. Converted price is shown for information and converted with Sphere standard currency rate.

Shipment and Payment links gives you access to an extended description of our rating :
 Start price 17950 GBP
 Converted price (1) 17950 GBP
 Shipment International or local shipment to pay
 Packing costs 70 GBP
 Payment Full pre payment needed
 Auction bid step 50 GBP
 Auction highest bid 21300 GBP
 Converted highest bid 21300 GBP
 Leader or winner jondent
 (1) Currency conversion Note that conversion rates were last adjusted on 5th October 2022 at 10:56 CET. They are there to give you a rough guide to the bid price in your currency. Please check for a more up-to-date conversion at The bid price will be the actual price in pounds (GBP) at the moment the auction closes. This will be roughly converted to your currency for your information.

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